Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Kristina posted a similar one about me, but when I saw it I went and switched it back so the joke was on her.  

My sister's been feeling a little under the weather lately so she decided to go to the doctor this morning. I am still in shock over what the doctor told her. The doctor said she is expecting QUADRUPLETS!

She's never taken fertility drugs or anything! I thought it would take ages for anyone to catch up to me in family size. Seriously I am very excited for her and hope that she will take this opportunity to move closer to family, so we can help.


  1. Wow, Lara, I'm so excited. Quadruplets huh. You should make the national news for having nine kids. I can hardly wait!

  2. Talk about Fertile Myrtle! You beat out Mom and Dad.

    Can't wait to meet little Zella, Della, Fay, and Jay.

  3. I've been checking my calendar all day long to make sure it's not April 1st or some other infamous day. And wondering what my oldest daughter has been drinking all day long!

    And she is the one that I thought was the busiest of all-and most unlikely to get into silliness!

    One good things about "quads"-it means a bigger house-unless you are going to move them all into Spencer's room...

    Thanks for the giggles today.

    Love, Dad

  4. So quadruplets, that's amazing!! Only three more after these and you can quit. And you will be the first of us to reach the 12 child quota (but you did have a large headstart).

  5. The Golden 7 soon to be Golden 11!!

    Just told Grandma and Grandpa and they are so excited.


    Love, Dad-Mom

  6. Wow! How exciting! That's kind of crazy news!

  7. It seems to me you kids played this same trick on us about your mother. One of you told us she was expecting triplets. Not a one showed up after Tim.
