Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Golden Nuggets of Six-Year-Old Wisdom

Actual Conversation with Adam:
Adam: "Mom, some kids have been farting in my class at school."

Me: "We don't say 'fart' in our family. Could you please use 'toot' instead?"

Adam: "But they weren't tooting, they were farting."

Me (quizzically): "Huh? Is there a difference?"

Adam (in exasperation): "Yes! A toot is a smelly thing that comes from back there (pointing) and a fart is a noise you make with your armpits."

So there you have it...I learn something new every day.


  1. Really Wawa! What did we tell you about allowing your babies to spend any time around their Uncle PP?

    Sorry Pete...too tempting to resist.

    Love, Grandpa-Grandma

  2. Too funny! I like your header above. You do such a great job with that.

  3. hahahahahahaha!

    ps. Hey, I know that header! Nice embellishments!

  4. Gotta love it! I thought boys outgrew that stuff eventually, but I'm still waiting for my boy of 35 to stop thinking potty humor is funny! ;-)

  5. I'm so glad that according to Adam's definition NO ONE EVER farts in this house. Sweet!
