Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Who's Taller?

I say I'm still barely beating him, but I'm starting to have doubts.
What do you think?

PS The extra chin isn't really mine. It's just an optical illusion.


  1. Optical illusion my eye! Unfortunately you are half Crain-who are notorious for having more "chins" than the San Francisco phone book.

    Sorry about that.

    But, I do believe that you may be a touch taller...but not for long!

    Love, Dad

    P.S. Thanks for taking care of momochka this week.

  2. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Spence looks a little taller to me.

    By the way, did you just dye your hair? It looks good.

  3. I think it's the angle of the picture that makes him a tad taller, switch the angle and see if it helps!!

  4. sorry lara i think spence looks a bit taller!

  5. Wow, I'm going to have to go with Spencer. And if not, it's really close and I bet he will pass you soon. Must be an almost out of body experience to see your baby taller than you. :)

  6. Yeah, I have to say that Spence looks a smidge taller...but I think it's his spiky hair. Give him a buzz cut and then check again! =)

  7. I have that same picture with Britton. Out of luck mommy little boy is taller and it is a crazy thing to watch happen!

  8. One more thing, I always add an extra chin on myself via photoshop, so everyone doesn't know just how amazingly skinny I really am. (o: LOL

  9. Oh man, you are so shorter. I remember when I had to start reaching up high to hug my teen. So strange!

  10. There's obviously a slant in the concrete there (you know, so the water will flow away from the house). You're still taller.

  11. Enjoy it while it lasts--like for another couple of weeks. My 13-yr-old has less than an inch to grow until he passes me up and I'm sure it won't be long. But my petite 15-yr-old daughter? She may never get there. Poor girl has size 5 shoes and is barely 5 ft tall!

  12. Sorry, Lara, but I think you've been beat!
