Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lara's Official Airport Rules

Written while on a 2-hour layover in the Denver International Airport:

1. Cuteness and fashion rules do not matter at airports. Sweats, t-shirts, and sensible shoes are a sign of true intelligence in this environment. High heels=Needs Brain Transplant

2. Calorie counting is illegal when you're in transit. Feel like a candy bar or a Coldstone shake to keep your energy up? Go ahead and indulge.

3. People watching is the must-see entertainment at the airport and staring is totally allowed. Mohawks, purple hair, 2 foot wide sombreros, people dancing, couples fighting, kids dropping their ice can't buy that kind of entertainment (okay, maybe with 25,000 frequent flier miles or so you can).

4. It's okay to say obnoxious things to people at airports you normally would never say, after all you'll never see them again. You should have seen the strange look I got when I commented on this random girl's three wolf shirt (click here and read the reviews) and made some funny comment on the "magical" powers and realize she's totally serious about it. {Thanks Angela for introducing me to this quality entertainment}

5. Snoring in public, while normally not a very desirable trait, is sought after by mothers everywhere while traveling with kids.

I guess I'm out of time to make more airport rules since they're calling our flight. I was thinking I need a good one about airport food. Can you help me out?


  1. Anytime you pass through and airport, be sure and take along plenty of Pepcid or Tums, as well as a pocket-full of money, since Airport food is (with only a handful of exceptions-a whole another blog about best Airport food ever is a worthy post) way overpriced and invariably gassy.

    Very cute observations-love the sobrero guys-can't believe that you actually took a picture of him!

    Love, Dad and Mom

  2. lol!

    Love your list Lara.

    I'm with your dad about overpriced airport food.

    I think the rule needs to be something like

    6. Be prepared to spend $10.00 on a candy bar you can get at 7/11 for 59 cents...because for some inexplicable reason you just have to have it.

  3. Okay. I guess the next time I want a Cold Stone shake I'll go buy a plane ticket first. If the shake was almost $5 at the normal store, it must have been something like $32.99 at the airport, right?

  4. I could actually sense that you had been near that magical shirt when you came. I may have to go and get one for myself!

  5. I'm a little late reading your rules. I wish I would have seen these before my trip to DC!

    You could add another about how it's okay to tell the most intimate details of your life to perfect strangers. Seriously I had a women tell me all about her divorce and another man tell me about his family and job woes. After a while I would strike up conversations just to see what people were willing to share with a complete stranger. It sure made the time pass quickly.
