Sunday, July 5, 2009

Scarface Has Returned!

Between Youth Conference and Scout Camp, Spencer's spent 8 out of the last 10 nights away from home. It was a lot quieter around here, but man we sure have been missing him!

Glen got home from Scout Camp on Saturday afternoon, but I still haven't seen Spencer and have no idea where he could be.

Glen did bring home this other kid who kind of resembles Spence, but I can't figure out who this other kid is and what he's doing living at our house...


  1. Dude! Did the tent sticks hit him in the face? I have no guesses other than that or a fishing pole biting back!!!

  2. I feel you here Lara. Glad he made it back in one piece!

  3. Hmm, what happened? I have no guesses.

  4. Boy, this poor guy has had a rough summer.

    Nonetheless, a scar is always a real badge of courage. Almost certain that the YW at the next stake dance will swoon over scarface Spence.
