Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No Internet=No Blogging

...or commenting, or reading emails, or answering emails, or checking facebook....

except of course when I stop at the library for 10 minutes on my way to Enrichment Night to get reacquainted with modern technology again.

On the bright side, I'm almost caught up on laundry now and I'm considering mopping my kitchen tonight during my normal blogging time.



  1. Maybe that's my problem. I have a seriously hard time motivating myself to mop the floor. If only our internet would go out!

  2. What a pain! But, hey--the house will be clean! Yay! So is this long term or will it be fixed soon?

  3. Hmm, Internet is so much more fun! Maybe that's how the pioneer women did so many things. Make your own soap! Make your own bread! Love reading your blogs, your hilarious!

  4. I thought that was why you had AnnaLisa there to keep the house clean and the floor mopped??

    Seriously it is such a pain when the internet goes down.

  5. ooo interesting! It's almost like a detox from technology!

  6. Still no internet. Verizon's coming tomorrow. In the meantime the library's quickly becoming my new favorite hangout.

    PS My floor is still unmopped. Dang American Idol!

  7. LUCKY!! I wish my internet would go out!

  8. I don't know. I think stooping (literally) to mopping the floor is a bit extreme. Hold on. You'll be back to your online self in no time!
