Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How I Singlehandedly Lost my Bid for Homemaker of the Year in One Day

Exhibit A: 
Adam's 9th birthday 

Crepes--  (for lunch instead of breakfast)
Pasta Salad--(missing a few key ingredients)
Presents --
✔  (wrapped in blankets instead of wrapping paper)
People-shaped cake--✔  (maybe not quite people shaped)

I'm fully aware that the cake is super ugly and will most likely be featured on the next edition of Cake Wrecks, but, heck,  ugly cakes happen.  That wouldn't lose me a homemaking award just like that. 

Yes, yes.  But this would....

Using matches as substitute candles....
not such a wise idea. 

**Disclaimer:  To my knowledge there is no actual Homemaker of the Year award and if there were, I would have lost my bid for it years ago, merely based on the infrequency of my fridge cleanings. **



  1. hahahahaha! You make me laugh :)

    Happy birthday Adam! I hope you had a good one!

  2. Well, Adam looks awfully happy about it all and that's what really important!

  3. P.S. How in the world could Adam already be nine?!

  4. That indeed is one ugly cake-way below your usual product. But, it is chocolate so can not be all bad.

    Happy Birthday Adam!! We love you.
