Thursday, November 3, 2011

Emma's 11th Birth-o-ween!

As many of you probably already know, Emma is our very prompt child, who arrived right on her due date eleven years ago.  Her due date being Halloween. 

At first, we had mixed feelings about her sharing her birth date with a busy, sugar-filled holiday, but when her baby hair came in bright red, we knew that she was the perfect one to be our pumpkin baby! 

Since those red-headed toddler days,  her hair has muted to a beautiful shade of light-brownish-red, and our sweet and thoughtful "tweenager"  is outgrowing her clothes and shoes faster than we can blink. 
When she was young, we'd go to friends' Halloween parties where, out of kindness, they would sing her the "Happy Birthday!" song and she'd be totally convinced that the whole party was for her.  It was a pretty sweet deal for us.  Then she got older and it got harder and harder to make it a special day for her.  We tried all kind of tricks...opening presents at breakfast time, since the evenings were always so crazy.  We'd make a cake for the weekend before her birthday, since eating cake before trick-or-treating always seemed a little like sugar death. 

This year, though, we got lucky.  She had her birthday planned out for months in advance.   Most parents might cringe at this kind of agenda, but me, not being a big party planner, LOVED IT! 

First, we had the family traditions...

Crepes for breakfast  (this time it was lunch), with eggs/bacon and Nutella/whipped cream,  cooked by Daddy....

Picking her favorite dinner.   She picked Navajo Tacos. 

Taking cupcakes to school, to share with her classmates...

After the family traditions were all done, it was time to put Emma's Birthday Plan into place....

Which included, inviting over just a couple of friends, to come in their costumes.

Making this cute patchwork pumpkin craft...

hitting a pinata (mommy's stipulation was that there not be anything edible in the pinata)...

eating an orange dinner + some mummy dogs....

A delicious jack-o-lantern cheesecake... (Her only request for her cake is that it be something pumpkiny and this one fit the bill doubly with the fact it was made with pumpkin and looked like a pumpkin.  She loved it! ) 

Next, we all went trick-or-treating...

Around the block and 2 cul-de-sacs was all we did...

but they made out like bandits...

It was a great day for her and I, personally, love the whole kid-planned party thing! 
Happy birthday to our Halloween sweetie!



  1. Yay Emma!!! Happy Birthday, sweetie. I hope you had a very memorable day - it was awesome for us, too.

  2. Sounds like an amazing Birthday for Emma. Love all the wonderful food you made especially the orange dinner. Happy Birthday Emma!

  3. Happy Birthday Emma boo! I like all of the pictures of you. You look so cute!

    I'm glad you had a good birthday!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday Emma Dear! Must be fun to always have your birthday on Halloween! Love you!

  5. My birthday IS awesome! The birthday was really really fun.

  6. Hey Ellie, sure wish Grandma and I could've been there for your 11th birthday. We were there last year for your tenth birthday which was so fun.

    Glad that you had a wonderful birthday party and a fun Halloween night.

    Grandma saw the pictures of your crepe breakfast and got up this morning and made crepes for Uncle Tim and I. They were so good and we owe you for inspiring grandma to make some for us.

    We love you Emmakins!!!
