Sunday, June 3, 2012

Grand Design

In the midst of being surrounded by life's dark clouds over the last few months, we have clung to the faith that this has all been a part of God's grand design for Spencer's and our family's lives.   Through that faith we have felt the bright light of God's hope breaking through the clouds, trusting that no matter what the outcome of this journey may ultimately be, that we would be uplifted and strengthened in every step.   Although we can see better a glimpse of it now, we hope one day to look back at the dark threads that have been added to the tapestry of our lives over the last few months and see fully the defining beauty that they've brought to the grand design.


"Not 'til the loom is silent

And the sparrows cease to fly,

Will God unfold the pattern,

And explain the reason why. 

The dark threads were as needful,

In the weaver's skillful hand,

As the threads of gold and silver,
In the pattern that he planned."

author unknown
cross-stitch by my aunt RaChel Pont


  • Spencer is enjoying being at home and is feeling pretty good. 
  • This past week his hair, including eyelashes and eyebrows, have fallen out one final time!   
  • He has a check-up tomorrow and every week for the first month, then they will move to monthly for the first year. 


  1. Your little family has been a continual reminder of the power of the family in God's eternal plan for all His children.

    The faith that you/Glen and each of your children have exhibited through the trials that you have been called to endure are a constant testimony and God's love and tender mercies.

    Thrilled that Spencer is home...for good!!

  2. LOVE this!! What a beautiful reminder that God truly knows what He's doing :)

  3. So beautiful! And made me cry!
