Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Writing on the Walls

Someday, in a few decades, someone is going to decide to redo their kitchen and maybe...just maybe...if they decide to replace the drywall too, they will get just a little peek into the family who lived in that house a long time ago.

They will get a glimpse of who they were and what they believed...

They will see in whom they put their trust...

and know that they were not ashamed of His Gospel...

They will see that they believed in a God that is loving and forgiving...

and who will always lift them up when they are weak.

When they lift their eyes and notice the writing on the doorframe, they will see the 23rd Psalm and know that theirs was a family that looked to Christ for their redemption...

and were seeking the treasures of a better world.

When they look down at the raw floors....

and at the beams over the patio door,  hopefully they will also see that they were a family that tried to have a bit of fun...

whether in their attempted scriptural humor     

or in spending an evening together....

filling the very walls of their home...

with words of love and trust...

and faith in God.

Although drywall may cover the words for now, it is my prayer that every person who enters that house in the years to come will know that, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 

Thanks to my friend, Shawni, for the inspiration for doing this.  


  1. What a wonderful idea. And great choices for verses to use on the walls and door frames of your home.
