Friday, April 8, 2016

The Rest of the Week

April 5:  
It was a long day with a lot of driving, a lot of socializing with people I don't know, Glen not getting home until 3am,  and me feeling a tad grumpy.   

April 6:  
This day probably deserves a blogpost all to itself, so here's the picture, and you can look for a separate blogpost about my trip to the FDA for an AML conference coming soon. 

April 7: 
The kids are still eating hard-boiled eggs from Easter and Ellie thought that this pear/lemon/garlic shaped yolk was so cool! 

April 8: 
Finally I had a day to breathe a bit!   After spinning my wheels all week long (especially with the AML conference taking up two of the days), I finally got to cross a few things off my list.   We ended with a night at the local middle school to watch five of my young women (and three young men from our ward) perform in Beauty and the Beast.   

Adam's long-time best friend, Logan, was an awesome Lumiere!

 I never did catch a picture with all of them at the same time, but here's Bella (cutlery), Maeve (a wolf), Martha (my next seat over neighbor in the audience), and Alyvia (cutlery).  

And here's Martha again, a random friend I don't know, Alyvia, Alyvia's brother, Everett, and Gianna (a member of the backstage crew)! 

It was a fun way to end the night and now we're just waiting until the wee hours of the morning again for Glen to come home! 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about your FDA trip. Were you specially invited, etc. A middle school put on "Beauty and the Beast"? One where most of younger young men and women attend? Why in the world does Glen have to work such outrageous hours? He must be tired of it. And you too.
