Spring Breaks around our house over the years have generally been pretty low-key affairs. The dates tended to sneak up on us (probably because they're different every year) and we often would start Spring Break week with zero plans. Over the course of the week, we'd usually manage a few little daytrips here and there, but historically most of our Spring Breaks have been spent pretty close to home. I'd like to blame this lapse in planning meaningful Spring Break treks to the fact that we homeschooled and weren't as focused on school schedules as most people, but honestly it was no different before we started homeschooling as well!
This year {the last Spring Break I'll ever have with any kids still in school}, I actually thought of it a few months beforehand and made plans! {Yes, I'm proud of myself for remembering this year.} I coordinated with my sister, Kristina, and together planned a trip to Sedona, Arizona with her. At the time, I assumed it would just be Ellie and I joining in with the adventures, but Glen's work situation made it possible for him to join us as well.
Here's a little glimpse at how our week went. You should definitely be impressed about how we kept it low-stress and fun, but still had meaningful activities planned.
First off, I brought a big basket of kids' books and games from home, so I could read to the littles. I read to them as often as they would let me and while we didn't play many games, we did get in a very rousing round of Cards Against Humanity (family version) that got everyone laughing!
Their favorite books included, "Officer Buckle and Gloria," "Slip the Otter," "Edward the Emu," and "The Adventures of Salt and Soap."
We also went on a couple really cool hikes....
One was to one of the world famous "vortexes" of Sedona. There's A LOT of hoo-woo stuff around Sedona and vortexes are one of them. Apparently some "spiritualist" had a vision one time that there were special places where the earth's energy vortexes upward and Sedona is full of them. They're {mostly} unmarked, so you have to know where you're going. We hiked to Cathedral Rock and found one up and around the corner from the marked "end of the trail".
It was actually really cool, because it was a gorgeous vista AND people were quiet and treating it with reverence. I didn't feel any surges of energy, but honestly it was a nice quiet place to reflect and to feel the spirit.
I say most vortexes are unmarked, but we did find this one with a sign hanging over a random bench. I'm pretty sure it is a joke, but it did make us laugh! 😂
Glen and I went on a 5-miler by ourselves and saw some pretty spectacular scenery along the way...
I guess you could say that the hummer ride was fun, but the tour was a bit weird, albeit authentically Sedonan. Any local we talked to would mention when they were "called" to come there and there are shops for aura readings, fortune telling, and crystals on every corner.
On a more normal note, we got ice cream a couple times...
I sent a few postcards (surprise surprise!)...
We got back home on Saturday evening, then went full-speed ahead getting ready for Easter dinner, which included shopping at very overcrowded stores and trying to figure out what we were going to make {for our dinner and for Emma's } along the way. Don't ask about why we were cooking Emma's dinner too....it's a long story! In the end, we ended up smoking 5 chickens...
And a whole bunch of other food too. Here is a picture of our dinner....
and her dinner looked pretty much the same as ours, except it was at her apartment with a bunch of her friends.
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