Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer Fever

We may have almost an entire month left of school, but it's beginning to feel a lot like summer around our house....

The fact that it was 95 degrees and humid today only played a small role in that feeling....

Maybe it's that the days are getting longer, the homework loads lighter, and our water bill is soaring!

"A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken."-- James Dent

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!



  1. These are great pictures! Summer is in the air here too. I LOVE IT!!!

    A whole 'nother month of school??? Because of all your snow days? Such a bummer. :(

  2. Spontaneous summer fun!! The best kind of all.

    Cute pix. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Despite his appearance, Adam is actually one of my best eaters. He rarely turns down food and never complains about what I cook. He also is active and apparently has a good metabolism! :)

  4. I can't wait till we have a yard to play in!!!! When I was little we were never inside, and if it was hot out then the water and the trampoline were our best friend!

  5. That looks refreshing! We got the sprinkler out today, but it was only in the 80s today.

    (Thanks for stopping by my blog!)

  6. Are you sure it's summer? Because Corinne built a good sized snowman this week--no kidding.

  7. That looks like fun! Where can I get one of those invitations??

  8. my kids will challenge your kids!!

    great pictures!

    ps. my kids like your cooking recipes too from your other blog!!

  9. Adam really does look like he's never fed in that last picture. he is so darn skinny. I wish I had his metabolism! BTW, it looks like fun. My kids would've loved to join them!!
