Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Most Wonderful Month of the Year...

August is such a lazy month.  We're done with vacation.  We're done with trying to keep a productive routine.  We stay up too late, then sleep in.  We eat breakfast at 10:00 and dinner whenever we feel like it.  Our house is filled with kids, usually mine plus a few more.  It's fun, but kind of exhausting too. 

It's right about now that I usually start checking out of summer a little.  I start daydreaming about having a routine again and I can't help but wonder what the bottom of the laundry basket looked like before all the towels and 3 outfits a day buried it.   

This year, though, I've decided that it can stay August as long as it wants to stay.  Why the change of heart?  It's this discovery I made a few days ago...

An old calendar from 2007. 

  Here's August....

Here's September....

And here's October....

 And this was way back in the day when I didn't have any kids in early morning seminary. 

I take back everything I said about my laundry basket--it's probably just mildewy anyway.

I think I'm ready for some good old-fashioned magic.  

Can you help me out?



  1. You have a Marissa? That's my sister's name!

    BTW - it's Giveaway time:

  2. Love the photos of the calendar! It can get preeetty crazy huh!

    It looks like you have a customised family calendar, it must be nice to look at photos of your favourite people.

    If you did want more writing space, I would recommend the calendars at They are huge! Plus they go from August '10 till December 2011!

  3. I love the calendar! It's SOOO true!!

  4. You are one busy family! I'll work up some of my magic powers and see if I can freeze time for you :)

    Enjoy August!

  5. Yeah, but this year you'll have all five in school, so while it might get crazy in the afternoons, hopefully you can eek out some "ohm" time for yourself during the school day.

    Or we can go shopping (not that either of us are really shoppers, but I guess there's always the possibility of a joint trip to Costco!).
