Friday, July 26, 2024

The Fourth

 The fourth of July was just after I arrived home from Nashville/Birmingham and I may have been a bit exhausted that day--as evidenced by the first picture you see here.   Besides not sleeping great on the trip (which is becoming maddeningly more common of late), our flight had arrived in the wee hours of the morning on July 3rd, which meant my sleep deprivation was intense.  I think I have to admit I'm officially growing old, because I do not handle sleep deprivation as well as I used to!    

It was fun to have Emma join us for the day! 

Glen smoked chicken, and we made kale salad, corn on the cob, homemade freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade, and a fruit pizza for dessert. 

Everything was quite delicious! 

Later we watched fireworks from our deck, because there were at least 3 decent shows (at people's homes) within a couple blocks of us.  We are in the small part of our town where fireworks are actually legal, and it's pretty mind-boggling each year how all-out people go here in Utah.   The dogs (Kiwi in particular) were a little skittish.  
We found this cute photo on the camera roll from Ellie's 4th of July festivities! 

Later that weekend, Glen and I took advantage of a gift card the kids had given us for Christmas and ate at this super fancy restaurant called La Caille.    The food was amazing and the grounds were pretty spectacular too! 

Even the peacock was showing off! 

And last, but not least...what would a blogpost of mine be without a sweet picture of my grandbabies from that same weekend?   They were dressed in matching outfits Heather had given them and they were about as adorable as adorable gets, if I do say so myself.  

Hope you all had a happy Independence Day too!   

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Little Side-Trip

As soon as the trip to Nashville had been booked, I knew that I needed to find a way to see my sweet grandbabies while I was so close.  Close meaning only 3-1/2 hours away!   It was a lot of driving for only about 20 hours to spend there (including sleeping time), but it was worth every second and somehow I was able to talk my Mom and sister, Kristina, to join me as well!  

I may have been a little giddy while I was there...

I read as many books as I could, had many hilarious toddler conversations, snuggled Baby Oliver, and just enjoyed some bonus Gigi time...
And I didn't mind sharing them too much...especially since they seemed to be enjoying it almost as much as I was. 
Now only 34 more days until I see them again!  


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Surprising Nate

Well, it's been a few weeks and I guess it's time for a little catching up here on the blog.   I know you have all been waiting on pins and needles to see what excitement has been going on to keep me away. This time it was a little trek to Tennessee to surprise my brother for this 50th birthday.   His birthday was actually back at the end of May, but he was off trekking the world on his birthday (visiting his 100th country!!!), so we opted for the end of June to surprise him instead.   
All seven of us siblings gathered in from 4 different states (Utah, California, Virginia, Maryland) to surprise him at his home in rural Tennessee (about an hour and a half from Nashville).  

My mom and I arrived several hours earlier than anyone else, so we did a little exploring in Nashville, while staying close to the airport, so we could do runs to pick people up. 

Opry Mills Mall fit the bill perfectly.  It was only 10 minutes to the airport and had air conditioning, comfy places to sit, and whatever kind of entertainment we could think of.   Here we are in the Bass Pro Shop.

We found a good place to get some food...

And found some yummy cupcakes to try, one of which, was even gluten free! 
AT one point, we even sat in some massage chairs and took naps, since we'd been up since 3:00am!   😂

The Grand Ole Opry is right next door, so we also walked across the parking lot to check that out as well. 
Eventually we picked up Kristina and Matt.  Pete and Tim arrived later that night.   We all stayed in a hotel near Nashville that night, since we had to wait until Nate was done with work for the day before surprising him.  

On Friday, Tim, Matt, Kristina, Mom, and I visited the Hermitage--the home of Andrew Jackson.

  It was a beautiful home on gorgeous grounds, but we found the tour a little simplistic, focusing more on the home decor than anything to do with Andrew Jackson.  

After that we made our way up to Nate's house where Pete and Heather met us separately (but not AnnaLisa, since she couldn't take any time off of work and her flight was later that night).  I think he was quite surprised to see us all!

That night we just got his house set up for all of us to stay (we brought air mattresses, pillows, and blankets) and mostly just talked, ate, and watched funny youtube videos.   The next day, Nate took us to one of his favorite hikes. 

Later we did a little picture shoot at Fort Donelson National Battlefield...

The number of selfies I took on this trip was a bit obnoxious. 

Perhaps really obnoxious...

Later we actually dressed up in semi-coordinating clothes and did a real photo shoot with Nate's camera and a tripod  at a park in Clarksville. 
We didn't do too badly, if I do say so myself.  Definitely better than getting a closeup of my gray hairs and wrinkles! 
Of course we had to do a silly one too!  
After that, we went to a restaurant in Clarksville called the Mailroom.   I may or may not have partially chosen it because of the name, but it did have very good reviews as well.  
The food and service was good...and they gave us a free postcard!   My type of restaurant for sure! 

After that, we found a cute ice cream shop in town...

This cool fountain was nearby and was perfect for some photos! 
All in all, it was a great trip and I am grateful for a family that gets along  and enjoys spending time together.

Plus they tolerate my incessant selfie taking.  😂

Our time all together was less than 24-hours before some of the siblings had to start heading home, but it was a great long weekend celebrating Nate and I'm glad we were able to make it happen.   Here are a few more random pictures: 

Tim and Mom

Nate with his "hot potato" birthday gift that he is supposed to regift as soon as humanly possible.  It's been floating around the family for over a decade now!   The animals live on a cute farm right across the street from Nate.   He really does live in the boonies. 

Speaking of the boonies, check out his church building!    That's it right over next to the Subway...

It's essentially a refurbished warehouse that just his little branch meets in... (everyone else had left by the time church rolled around)

The inside was small, but quite nice...
Apparently we were all a bit tired! 

Here are the birthday goodies we got for Nate at a cute little bakery in Clarksville.

This Piggly Wiggly was the most backwoods grocery store I'd ever been in!  

Yet another selfie...

This was right before heading out...

The view from Nate's backyard...
We may have been a little obsessed with the view (and all the fireflies)!  

All in all...a great time together with family!   💗

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