Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 247--Anti-Spontaneity

Last night we learned that Spencer wouldn't have any football practice again until Tuesday, so we started hatching this idea that we would take a spontaneous trip out of town today just because we could. We hadn't been anywhere together as a family since our rainy trip to Hershey/Amish country in early summer and didn't think we would be able to because of Spencer's football that he's had since early August.

Today was the official middle school and high school orientation day. Spence and Cami took the bus to their schools, rotated around to their respective classes, and got to reconnect with old friends. The bus dropped them both off at the elementary school, where I had walked the mile or so and let the kids run and play on the playground before taking them all home.

While there at the playground Cami started getting wind of the idea that we would go on a last minute trip out of town today. Rather than being ecstatic as we thought she would be...

she was SO ANNOYED with us. Her, Megan, and Mikhaela had been hatching out all these fun ideas that they were going to do tonight at Marissa's party and she was so completely irritated that we were going to take her away from all that.

Glen was able to get off early enough so we jumped in the car to go finish what we started in Hershey in June. We never did get to go to HersheyPark since the weather was too horrible and we thought it would be a fun way to end the summer. Cami still was NOT happy with us in the slightest when we left, but I think she's coming around now with the anticipation.

We checked the weather before leaving and it's supposed to be 81 degrees and sunny tomorrow!

Too bad we didn't get the memo that Emma was going to come down with a fever before we even hit Frederick. We assume it's the same bug that took down Ellie earlier this week, but we're hoping to keep the vomiting far away....knock on wood.

Ack! Toting around a sick eight-year-old does NOT sound like a fun day. Sure hope she fits in the stroller....

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