Almost three years ago, shortly after Spencer started chemo for his treatment of AML (leukemia), people started cutting off their hair to show support for him. The boys shaved their heads and the girls cut off at least 10-inches and donated it to Locks of Love, a place which makes wigs for children with serious illnesses (like cancer). In a small way I think it helped people to feel more connected to him and that, in their own way, they were doing something meaningful to support him. Looking at those pictures still makes my heart smile and I can't help but be overwhelmed when thinking of all the people who loved and supported us through those difficult days.
Back when everyone else was cutting their hair, Cami was 100% not interested. She loved her thick long hair and I think she was already so traumatized by Spencer being sick that she really struggled with the thought of cutting off, what to her, was a huge part of her identity. We never pushed it even a tiny bit. We figured that making someone feel guilty in order to do something, pretty much defeated the message it was meant to convey. She showed her love and support to Spencer in a gazillion other ways and not cutting her hair then was a non-issue.
Since then she hasn't even trimmed her hair and lately it's gotten so long that I even poked a little fun at it in our Christmas letter this year. Although her hair is beautiful and thick, lately Glen and I had started wondering if she'd ever cut it, especially since she realized that she's allergic to almost every shampoo and conditioner made. She's been using either straight baking soda or an all-natural carrot based shampoo for several months and only uses apple cider vinegar for conditioner. Somehow though, her hair still looks great and she felt no compulsion to even trim it.
Then a couple of months ago she landed a new babysitting gig for a beautician who offered to cut her hair in exchange for babysitting! It got Cami to thinking and finally, this past week, with her employer's encouragement, Cami consented to giving it a trim.
Here's her "trim" of 12-whole-inches…all going to Locks of Love!

Before and after….

Happily, she loves the new easier and shorter 'do and we are proud of her decision to donate it!
Way to go, Cam!
Back when everyone else was cutting their hair, Cami was 100% not interested. She loved her thick long hair and I think she was already so traumatized by Spencer being sick that she really struggled with the thought of cutting off, what to her, was a huge part of her identity. We never pushed it even a tiny bit. We figured that making someone feel guilty in order to do something, pretty much defeated the message it was meant to convey. She showed her love and support to Spencer in a gazillion other ways and not cutting her hair then was a non-issue.
Since then she hasn't even trimmed her hair and lately it's gotten so long that I even poked a little fun at it in our Christmas letter this year. Although her hair is beautiful and thick, lately Glen and I had started wondering if she'd ever cut it, especially since she realized that she's allergic to almost every shampoo and conditioner made. She's been using either straight baking soda or an all-natural carrot based shampoo for several months and only uses apple cider vinegar for conditioner. Somehow though, her hair still looks great and she felt no compulsion to even trim it.
Then a couple of months ago she landed a new babysitting gig for a beautician who offered to cut her hair in exchange for babysitting! It got Cami to thinking and finally, this past week, with her employer's encouragement, Cami consented to giving it a trim.
Here's her "trim" of 12-whole-inches…all going to Locks of Love!

Before and after….

Way to go, Cam!
Way to go Cami! It is hard to cut your hair, I understand. I'm proud of you and the sacrifice you made.
It looks a lot nicer with the edges even. She is a beautiful young lady.
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