Thursday, October 17, 2024

Back to Reality

Alas, after all the excitement of August and early September ended, real life hit hot and heavy!    Here are a few of the lowlights (along with corresponding photos)...

1.  After less than two weeks at home with us, it was time for BYU to begin and for  Adam to get  settled into his apartment. That itself wasn't bad, but his time at home was just too short and  included forking out boatloads of money to buy a computer, phone, new shoes, and all the other stuff he didn't have or need for the last two years.  Plus tuition, rent, and all that kind of good stuff.  Yes, we are feeling a little cash poor now. 

2.  A bad haircut for Denali.  We let her get matted once again (bringing her to Idaho contributed pretty significantly to that) and the groomer had to shave her. I daresay she was mad at us afterward and kept giving us the side-eye!    Curly haired dogs that don't shed are not for the lazy! 

3. Adam getting a kidney stone (yes, really) the first week of school.  We think it had to do with the fact that he was on a bike the last transfer of his mission, which meant he was chronically a bit under-hydrated.  Add to that that he ran a half-marathon and climbed Mount Timp within 2 weeks of being home and we think he just overtaxed his body.  It was a ROUGH first week and half of school until he finally passed it.   Poor kid!  You are definitely not supposed to get kidney stones when you're not even 22 yet!    (the picture is of me holding up the strainer I got from Dollar Tree to help catch the stone)

4.  Glen spent a week in Colorado to help his Mom, who was in rehab recovering from a fall she'd recently had,  and he ALSO got a kidney stone.  Totally not kidding.  It had probably been 15ish years since his last one, so this was completely unexpected and somewhat ironic timing getting it so close to Adam's.  He was MISERABLE and yes, that would be two ER trips in 2 weeks' exciting.   Thankfully we have better insurance with  his new job, so that's good at least. 

5. A weird eye thing for me--going on two weeks now.  I can't wear any make-up or moisturizer without irritating it more, so it's getting annoying and a little embarrassing.  I *think* it may be caused by using a vitamin C serum I got on clearance at Costco, but it hasn't gone away yet after not using it (or any products) for several days, so who knows?!   

Don't worry...more updates coming soon....

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