Monday, November 21, 2022

Ten Truths and a Lie

 Okay, here's a little Lara life update by way of a little game to all you hordes of blog readers (and by hordes, I actually mean all three of you...haha!)  

So, can you tell which is the lie?   

1. I'm having my first ever surgery on December 7th to remove my fibroid riddled uterus (one is 9 cm!!!) and to do a prolapse repair (worth it for the five babies)! 

2.  I am PETRIFIED of having surgery.  

3.   I have to go back in for a repeat mammogram on the same side I was called back for 2 years ago.  My appointment is two days before my surgery.   

4.  In late summer I was called to a calling that doesn't sound that hard on paper (RS activities coordinator), but is one that plays on all my insecurities.  I've tried very hard to lean into my fears and do the best that I can with it.  I thought things were going well.  

5.  Yesterday I received a phone call from someone who proceeded to tell me that I was doing my calling all wrong.  There was ZERO expression of appreciation for the work and effort I'd already put into it and ZERO acknowledgement of the weird situation I was put in (with no committee and at the transition time of a RS presidency).  She made ZERO apologies when I got flustered and was clearly upset at feeling attacked.  It was an ugly phone call where I raised my voice, shed tears, and told her I thought the Utah ways of doing things was stupid.  I am normally not a confrontational person at all and I'm still flabbergasted that things went down the way they did, with no acknowledgement from her whatsoever that she may have approached things a little harshly.  

6.  Glen's stress level at work is sky high and he is not sure how much longer he will be able to last at this job.  

7.  My house has been a complete wreck ever since taking down the fall decorations and making way for the Christmas decor.  I'm talking disaster zone kind of wreck with stuff strewn everywhere, evergreen needles all over the place, and  storage containers littering the whole room. Much to my chagrin, three different groups of people have dropped by with it in this state, including the RS president who came to give me a big hug and to make sure I was okay after I texted her after the aforementioned phone call from Hades. 

8.  I have been slightly obsessed with making candy bar notes for kids in my life lately--including for our Sunday School class and for some nieces and nephews.  

9.  Speaking of Sunday School classes...we've absolutely loved teaching the 12-13 year old class this year and I will miss them!   They've been telling us that we are getting released ever since I got my calling as the RS activities coordinator, but I think that our time as teachers is actually coming to an end now as we approach my surgery and the end of the year and I'm a little sad about it.  I may also be a little sad that this means that we'll have to start attending Gospel Doctrine again too.  

10.  I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas, though I'm stressed about getting everything done that I need to before my surgery.   Everyone will be home for Christmas, but our missionary.  Actually Garrett will have to come right AFTER Christmas because of his residency schedule, but we are thrilled to have him as long as we can.  

11. Life is so crazy leading up to my surgery that I actually considered (for 2 seconds) to not send Christmas cards this year.  

Who am I kidding?    This is the easiest game ever to anyone who knows me at all.   Number eleven is the lie.   I am may be a complete stressed out basketcase, but you should be worried the year I don't send you a Christmas card. 

Thanks for playing along!     HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I promise I'll do a happier post next time.  

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