Friday, August 23, 2024

Mid-August at a Glance!

It's been a crazy few weeks and we're in the midst of even more craziness, but here's a glimpse at our mid-August happenings around here! 

Enjoyed the sidewalk chalk art at Alpine Days:

Picked up Charity (Ellie's roommate) and stopped at a smoothie place on the way home from the airport.  She stayed with us for a few days!

Went to a family gathering with Bobby and Buddy's families.  I hadn't seen some of my cousins in 20+ years, so it was great to see them.  It was a full house, but fun to be there.

We belatedly sung to my Nana for her 95th birthday:

Ellie, McKenzie, Charity, and Emma dropped in for a few minutes  before they headed out for a concert in Park City.  The performer was Cody Fry, which no one had really heard about, but the four girls were excited to go. 

Went to the Provo Farmer's Market on Saturday...

Went to the Alpine Days parade and other festivities.  It was a tad bit of a let-down without any kids with us.  hahaha

We've been going on lots of walks, which one day was matchy matchy: 

We've been seeing tons of deer...

And lots of raptors lately...


Glen flew in his boss's private plane down for some meetings in Saint George for the day...



Emma and Ellie made us a charcuterie board for our Sunday dinner... It was quite tasty!

Denali was super cute...

I like finding pictures like this in the camera roll! haha

Can't remember if I ever mentioned the sprinkler saga, but basically we found out that our water meter and our neighbor's was switched and we were paying way too much!  It's a long story of how we figured that out, that involved not watering our grass for two weeks to prove to the city that something was wrong with our meter.  We FINALLY got it figured out and our lawn is still suffering the effects. 

Thankfully, we've had a lot more rain than usual lately.  Not quite like  rainy days in the East, but periods of time that are like a good soaking rain in the East.   We are hoping that it helps bring our lawn back to life! 

Ellie has also been enjoying the rain....
This is the least of the excitement of the last few weeks, so stay tuned for lots more coming your way...eventually!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

More Summer Happenings (Part 2)

Okay, here's hoping Blogger is working a bit better today.  This is  try #2 trying to get this blog updated with our summer happenings, since I have been struggling to stay in a blogging routine this summer.    (part #1 is here)

Shortly after picking up Ellie from Idaho, we headed to Saint George for Glen to finish up his last couple of days working down there and for Ellie to get her wisdom teeth out at an oral surgeon who is a colleague of Glen's.   

She was very giggly and talkative coming out of the anesthesia, but, much to her own relief, she didn't end up saying anything too incriminating or embarrassing.  She did, however, insist on coming into Target with me to pick up her prescriptions.  I tried really hard to talk her into staying in the car with Glen, but she was very determined and just jumped out of the car.  She was very friendly and waved at everyone she saw, but otherwise didn't do anything too embarrassing.  And she was in a city far from home, so the chances of seeing anyone we knew were remote at best! 

 WE spent the next three days mostly just holed up in the hotel room while Glen was at work.   I was a bit tired of hotel living after those three days, but it went well and Ellie recovered quickly.  

We doordashed some soft foods...

And got ice cream a couple times, because what oral surgery recovery is complete without some ice cream for the occasion? 

The day AFTER her surgery, we headed to the Utah Food Bank and joined with lots of other families from the dental community in Saint George to work for a couple hours. Ellie's oral surgeon was actually at the project too and was very impressed at how well Ellie was doing. 

We laughed a little that the project for the night was  bagging up dog food, but it's very cool that they help people with food insecurity feed their pets too.    


Our job for the night was taping together boxes.

We headed on home from Saint George  on Wednesday night, then on Saturday morning, I took off with my mom and Heather for Star Valley for my Mom's 54th high school reunion.  Yes, 54th.  Why they picked this particular year to celebrate, I have no idea, but they did and a whole bunch of people came, so whatever. 

My Mom was very nervous about going, which was why I was there.  Heather wanted nothing to do with attending the reunion and Mom really didn't want to go by herself, so I was her +1.  It ended up being a great experience for her, so I'm glad I went, despite not being very excited to go initially (mostly because of the drive).    I helped make this class picture happen by arranging people and by going outside to get the banner for them to hold. 

Her graduating class only had 98 people in it, so this is actually a GREAT turnout, especially considering their ages!   Recognize the circled person in the following picture?

That's Sister Bednar.  The Sister Bednar-wife of a modern day Apostle.   She gave my mom a big hug and was kind as can be...of course.  

I also sent a few postcards from the cute little Grover post office.   Sadly I didn't actually find any Star Valley postcards, but I took a few from home to write along the way.

We also dropped my cousins' house, who both live on the same property my mom grew up on in Grover.  Tara and Kolt are a few years younger than me, so I wasn't super close to them growing up, but it was great to see them after so many years!   They are both so sweet!

The next day, the Grays (friends from Virginia), came to church with us  and stayed the night before they ventured back on their way home. 

Emma went to a Utah YSA conference one weekend recently.  I know nothing about it, other than Elder Uchtdorf spoke (I think) and they were trying to break a Guinness Book of World Record record with the most signatures on a birthday card for President Nelson.  He turns 100 next month.   I have no idea if they broke the record or not.    I also love Emma's temple selfies from the camera roll.
I've had a very full mailbox lately.   One day I had 8 postcards in there...mostly from Postcrossing, but one from my niece, Anna, and this one from my sister, K, which might be one of my favorite postcards ever.  I love it!
Last week was Alpine Days and we took an after-dinner walk down to the auto show.  This beat up looking one made us laugh...
This 1968 Buick Wildcat was refurbished by an old man in a neighboring.  He was very talkative and excited to tell us all about it!
I really liked this whole pink set up! 
And we were informed that this Corvette was the most valuable of all the autos in the whole show.  It's a 1963 all original (even the tires) and apparently it's worth about $500k, although we also heard reports that it may be only $200k!  In any case, we were very careful not to scratch it!  

The other week, Glen was teaching Alma 36-38 for his Gospel Doctrine lesson. The theme of his lesson was "Jesus is Mighty to Save", however  I had no idea  the theme of his lesson when I picked this as the picture for the cover of the program that week.  I thought that the little boy's use of the word "Saver" instead of "Savior" was very sweet and went along perfectly with the theme of  Glen's lesson.  Someone in the class even brought it up on how powerful a child's simple testimony can be. 

So this blogpost was a pretty good effort as a catch-up post, but I'm not done yet. 

Stay tuned for more to come...

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Summer Happenings: Part 1

Well, what can I say?   All routine is out the window and I am having an incredibly difficult time keeping up here on the blog.  I known that there are approximately 2 people that may have even noticed that it's been while, but I feel like I need a little brain break, so here I am.

So here's a glimpse of the last few weeks...

Kristina and boys came to town for a couple weeks.  

It was loud and the house was a mess, but I very much enjoyed spending time with them...

I introduced them to Perler beads, which they'd never tried before, but Jesus dove in first, then when the other boys saw what  it was all about, got obsessed too. 

It was very cute how hard they worked (for hours a day) and how proud they were of their work...

Denali also very much enjoyed the extra attention!  

I taught them a couple of old-fashioned card games--Old Maid, Go Fish, and Slap Jack--and enjoyed watching them have fun playing those!

One day, we dropped by to wish Nana a happy birthday!   She's 95 now!  

I won't's a bit chaotic when they come to town, but it's mostly a good chaos that I enjoy.  
I always love my postcards, but this summer I've been a little extra obsessed with them. It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't love sending and receiving mail as much as me, but it's literally a stress relief for me and I love that it's not a super time consuming thing I can do for myself.  I may have to do a whole post on this topic soon, because I've been having fun with it!

Speaking of postcards, here's a little postcard challenge I'm doing with my sisters (and Cam).  The challenge this week (chosen randomly by Heather) was blue-footed booby.  I had run out of my authentic Ecuadorean cards, so I adapted this one to fit the bill.  haha...

Also...Ellie submitted her mission papers a few weeks ago.  We knew her call would likely take longer because of her seizures, but we are hopeful it will come soon!  

She finished her second trimester at BYU-Idaho and she is happy.  She had good roommates and really enjoys the environment up in Idaho...

I picked her up from Idaho and we are enjoying the extra noise and action that comes along with having her at home.  

I have a bunch more to add, but blogger is not letting me upload photos today, so I'll do a Part 2 soon.  Stay tuned... 

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