Sunday, October 13, 2024

Family Pictures 2024

 As you may or may not know...I am slightly obsessed with Christmas cards, which by default means that I am 100% committed to making sure we get family pictures taken whenever we're all together, especially now that our time being all together is fleetingly rare.  These days I have to try extra hard to make sure it happens and this togetherness time was an exceeding CHALLENGE!    Not only did Spence not end up being able to come to Idaho with us (or I would have arranged for a photographer up in Idaho), but our window of time once we got home to Alpine was all of 20ish hours before Garrett had to head back to Birmingham.  Throw in some B family commitments Garrett had already planned in that 20 hours and we were literally left with a window of  10pm Saturday - 8am Sunday that we could do it.  😅

So..we all rolled out of bed earlier than we wanted on Sunday morning and trekked over to Lambert Park around 7:15am!  

The lighting wasn't ideal and we were all a bit tired after a week of not sleeping in our own beds, but my sister, Heather, was able to capture some decent shots before we had to throw on different clothes and run to the stake center (which luckily was approximately 200 yards from the park) for Adam to report his mission to the High Council at 8am!    Whew! 

I haven't had time to edit them yet, but here are a few of our favorites:   

Our Lucie Goosie Girl and Sweet Oliver...

The girls...

The boys...

Our Gigi and Papa part of the photo shoot got cut short and we did not get a shot that I liked, but here you go anyway....

I am pretty obsessed with this sweet guy...

And I think the pics of the B family turned out as cute as can be...

And this may well be THE ONE!   It's my favorite at least...

But there was controversy over my rust dress being too "out there", so we may end up with this more muted one instead.  

We shall see! 

1 comment:

AnnaLisa said...

I like all of the photos! I know my opinion was not asked for but I like the family photo with you in the rust colored dress. I think it adds a nice pop of color with the lighter colors and the darker greens. 😊

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