Sunday, January 10, 2021

Riots and Scars and such

 Family update via letter to our missionary (dated January 20, 2021)

Hola to our favorite Hermana!
Como esta? How was your week?

I'm sitting here trying to think what to write to you about and I just have to say, it's been a super boring week. Everyone's back to their school schedule again, Ellie and I are fully eating keto now, and dad's looking hot and heavy for a job again. We didn't even do any cool hikes or anything

There were the riots at the capitol building earlier and I guess that wasn't boring, but it was depressing. Just another can of worms to get people contentious and up-in-arms again. I think it's a very good thing that inauguration day is coming very soon or the whole world may implode (as Trump does his best to throw the world a figurative hand grenade as he leaves office). Trump needs to just stop having power and to get out of the limelight.

Adam finally let us cut his shaggy hair.   That was kind of exciting.

Did you get to watch the Brandon Sanderson "Why I Believe" fireside on FB Live tonight? It was good. I don't know if you can watch it belatedly, but you should totally watch it if you're allowed. I haven't even read any of his books and I very much enjoyed it.

Speaking of Brandon Sanderson...Adam recently just finished his latest book, "Rhythm of War" and Dad just started it. Of course Spencer read it immediately and Garrett got it for Christmas, so I imagine he'll be reading it soon too. I just finished a light fluffy read, after two heavy non-fictions (one about cholera and one about the founding father--Benjamin Rush). I needed light and fluffy!

Well, you'll be happy to know that my latest hiking shoe injuries (I mentioned those, right?) are almost healed now. My elbow injury was pretty intense and is going to have quite a scar. It's been a few weeks, and the wound (which was actually deep enough that Garrett said could have used stitches, but didn't NEED them) has finally completely closed up. Unfortunately, it still hurts when touched and I absolutely can't bear any weight on it, which is surprisingly a common occurrence when getting up from a lying down position. Thankfully it doesn't generally keep me up at night anymore either, so that's good. My knee still hurts some, but is going to be totally fine. My elbow scar will definitely outshine Adam's when all is said and done.

Your cousin Jesus just turned 3. Isn't that crazy? Also, M & K's family just arrived to Kuwait this past week, so they're quarantining for 2 weeks. It's kind of entertaining to see Matt's facebook diatribes and super long Marco Polos that he seems to be doing to keep himself busy. The good news with the 10 minute long Marco Polos is that we're seeing lots of glimpses of their cute kids. Anna is talking a TON now and it's adorable. She often refers to herself in the 3rd person, which is extra adorable. They also got cats, which are kind of cute.

E.B. (from our new ward) is just finishing her at-home MTC learning Spanish and is taking off on her mission (to Mesa Temple visitor's center) on Tuesday. It's too bad you two didn't overlap. I think you two would be good friends. 

Tonight I made keto lasagna, roasted broccoli, and keto lemon bars...and we totally enjoyed it. Eating keto is hard sometimes, but it's definitely easier this time having done it before. My sweet cravings are starting to lessen a little at least.

You may be able to tell by the content and coherency of this letter, but I am SUPER tired and should probably be outlawed from trying to communicate right now. I think I'll finish up with a link to a talk that struck me earlier this week. It's a good one and if I could put my words together better, I would tell you what I liked about it. But that requires brainpower I do not currently have, so I'll just say, it's a good one and you should read it.

Becoming like Him

I love you a whole whole bunch and like a macadamia nut. (that's an actual quote from your older brother when he was a young child and why I threw that in here, I have no idea).

Hope I haven't said anything too stupid or embarrassing.
We LOVE you!!!!
Your tired mom

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