Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Conference Weekend

A few weeks ago, I got the grand idea that I wanted to host a Virginia gathering at our house on Conference Saturday.   I created this invitation and recruited Emma to help me get it distributed to Virginia friends. the meantime, I sort of forgot that the process of inviting people to something I'm planning is something that super stresses me out.   Maybe it's a form of social anxiety.  I don't know, but it's a process that just makes me sweat. 

 I really wanted  people to come, but I didn't want to have to "sell it" to people.  I just wanted people to magically hear about it and think it sounded like so much fun that they'd tell all their friends about it and we'd have a houseful of people and have a lovely time together.  Makes perfect sense, right? 

My magical plan didn't work.  

Of course it didn't. 

We soft invited about a dozen people and I'm not sure anyone "spread the word", because we did nothing to encourage them to.  So a ton of people heard nothing about it.   And most people never even bothered to RSVP, because we never followed up and never said anything to remind them about it. 

Basically, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I don't like inviting people to things because I don't like feeling rejected.  So I kept my efforts at inviting people to a minimum, so I didn't have to feel as badly when people didn't come.   It was a dumb plan.   And I blame it partially on me just being stupid about inviting people to things and partially on me having the worst case of PMS I've had in years the week beforehand.  

So that's way TMI to account for the smaller crowds than I wanted/expected, but I will tell you, I was so incredibly happy about the people that did come. I still feel very much like the oddball here in Utah and it was fabulous to enjoy the company of people who know me and love me for who I am.  

This was the full crew.  
They were faces that were healing to see and we are grateful they came.  Plus it was General Conference, which means that in addition to the lovely people that came, we got to listen to 💕


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