Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Lucie is One!

Our grandbaby, Lucie May, turned one on December 7th and we were so happy to be able to celebrate with her.  Technically it was a couple days before her birthday when we were in town for Cami's graduation, but it was close enough to embrace it and make it a full blown party!  

She's the daughter of a baker, but she'd actually only eaten refined sugar a couple of times before, so having a whole little cake to herself was pretty much the most exciting thing in the world for her!    She very much enjoyed herself!   😂 

Here are a few little details about Lucie at this stage of life:   

*She's a very happy, easy-going baby. 

*She LOVES people and can push through being exhausted to be social.  

*She's got a sense of rhythm and loves to dance.   If she hears music, she'll often break into dancing and if you say the word, "DANCE," (even without music) she'll often break into dancing as well!  

*She's got a lot to say and babbles in her own language all day!  She is very animated and often uses her hands while she talks.   She understands a ton, uses some simple sign language, and can say a few words. (Hi, dog, more) 

*She's big (height and weight) for her age, but doesn't have much hair.  

*She's crawling, pulling herself up and cruising along the furniture, but not quite walking yet.   Cami didn't walk until she was 14 months old, so I'm not surprised at all.  

*She loves to "read" books.   She loves being read to and loves looking at books and "reading" them by herself too.  

We are quite enamored with our Lucie May and hope it's not too long before they make it out here for their belated Christmas trip.  I need me some more Lucie snuggles!    

Speaking of first birthdays, I thought it would be fun to include a little collage of all of our kids at their first birthday.  

Oh my goodness!  I can't believe all these people will be adults within a couple months!  How has time flown that quickly?   


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