Here is a little peek into my life since I left Alabama. It has included...
A dog who is simultaneously ecstatic that I'm home, but also watches me longingly anytime I dare to do anything that doesn't involve giving her my undivided attention.

Me eagerly waiting for any photo or story from my Alabama peeps...
And even better than texts....FACETIMES...even when little Lucie is feeling a little under the weather and wants nothing more than for me to read her books and sing her songs for an hour.

A trek to Taco Bell to honor and remember our friend, Andrew, on what would have been his 31st birthday.
Me being glued to my phone all day on Tuesday, so I did not miss any texts or calls from Adam. He was recently transferred after spending 6 months in the same area, and he was feeling a little down that day.
Me going through closets, the garage, and other long-lost places in our house to find things to donate, sell, or toss. Even if we didn't end up moving, this will be a good exercise in decluttering the house! I've been visiting DI regularly lately and these are books I'm trying to sell on Amazon.
In the meantime, I'm also listening to "Far from the Madding Crowd" on double speed. I read it several years ago, but we are discussing it for book group (at our house) tonight and I felt like I needed to reread it. To be totally honest, I've had a hard time getting into it--hence my need to listen to it on double-speed. I love the writing, but am struggling with some frustrating aspects of the plot, which I already vaguely know, because I've read it before!
Me deciding that I have not made enough pies the last few years (since kids moved out and I discovered I'm highly sensitive to gluten), so Pi(e) Day and book group made for the perfect excuse!
Oh, and I also bought tickets for Cami, Lucie, and Oliver to come visit next month. π I was feeling deprived of my sweet grandbabies and also really wanted Ellie to meet Oliver before she heads off to her next semester of school that begins in April. I am so stinking excited!
Speaking of Ellie...she's off on a grand adventure right now and I am missing her (and praying for her) like crazy. This trip was a bit outside of my comfort zone, but I am glad she gets this experience!
Well, off I go to make a lemon meringue pie while I finish listening to my book! Have a great weekend!
PS. The lemon meringue pie was delicious and the crust was the best gluten free crust I’ve ever made! π