Thursday, May 23, 2024

Snow in May and Other Such Happenings

I mentioned that my birthday marked the beginning of a short quiet stretch of time with fewer things on my schedule.   Alas, it was a pretty short-lived stretch, but it was rejuvenating nonetheless 

Here is a little glimpse at that gloriously quiet stretch...

 First off, the weather got really springy and lovely after several days of rain the previous week and it made me really, really happy.    I went on lots of walks OUTSIDE, though I'm still keeping my mileage a little on the low side for the sake of my sore foot, though I think it's getting better.   Hallelujah!  

I spent a day with my friend Sarah G.,  who came to town from Santa Fe, NM for BYU Women's Conference.   Mount Timpanogas Temple is closed currently, so we went to the one in Saratoga Springs.   It was my first time doing a session there, since it only opened a few months ago. 

After eating pretty poorly for a few weeks (while the boys were here, while we traveled, and while we celebrated two birthdays), I'm FINALLY back to eating in a way that makes me feel better.   Lots of nutritionally dense whole foods with minimal added sugar is what my body seems to crave and now I just need to keep it up!

I FINALLY got a long weekend with Glen at home.   Between his trip to Colorado, his work retreat, and his normal weeks in Saint George, I was really really missing him.  I can't wait for him to be home full-time again soon!   

We went to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point on that Friday.  The weather that day and Saturday was exceedingly lovely and we enjoyed spending some time together outside.  

Then on May 6th we woke up to this....

Yes, it snowed in May...and not just once, but a few days in a row.    Don't ask me how I felt about it, because I might start swearing.   Or crying.  Beautiful blossoms, like the ones on our tree in front of our house, are not supposed to be covered in snow.  Ever.   It's wrong.   Winter needs to go back to where it came the North Pole. Or Outer Darkness.   Or wherever besides here. 

The good news is is that that same day it was not actually snowing in Provo, so we decided to take a walk while Glen's truck was getting its oil changed.    It was still quite cold, but the Provo River Trail up by the Provo Airport is exceedingly lovely and we enjoyed the change of scenery from our normal walking locales.  

We heard tons of birds, though we couldn't see very many of them, because of the tree cover.   I love the Merlin app that "listens" and tells you what birds are currently singing!   We tried really hard to capture glimpses of some of those yellow time we need to bring binoculars! 

I love walking along the Provo River
And though the trail is closed in one spot and we got a little muddy trying to figure out how to get around the closed section...

We very much loved having the water right there and all the trees.   It totally had the vibes of not being in Utah (besides how cold it was) and I rather liked it.  

And this cute pig family we came across was quite adorable.  Glen may or may not have even petted a pig before continuing onward...

Then we went back home to more snow falling.  Of course, it didn't stick, but I was still grumpy about it.   May is a good time for spring to stick around for a while. 

So that was our exciting week that wasn't actually all that exciting, but kicked off some bigger things coming soon...

Stay tuned!  

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