Friday, July 26, 2024

The Fourth

 The fourth of July was just after I arrived home from Nashville/Birmingham and I may have been a bit exhausted that day--as evidenced by the first picture you see here.   Besides not sleeping great on the trip (which is becoming maddeningly more common of late), our flight had arrived in the wee hours of the morning on July 3rd, which meant my sleep deprivation was intense.  I think I have to admit I'm officially growing old, because I do not handle sleep deprivation as well as I used to!    

It was fun to have Emma join us for the day! 

Glen smoked chicken, and we made kale salad, corn on the cob, homemade freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade, and a fruit pizza for dessert. 

Everything was quite delicious! 

Later we watched fireworks from our deck, because there were at least 3 decent shows (at people's homes) within a couple blocks of us.  We are in the small part of our town where fireworks are actually legal, and it's pretty mind-boggling each year how all-out people go here in Utah.   The dogs (Kiwi in particular) were a little skittish.  
We found this cute photo on the camera roll from Ellie's 4th of July festivities! 

Later that weekend, Glen and I took advantage of a gift card the kids had given us for Christmas and ate at this super fancy restaurant called La Caille.    The food was amazing and the grounds were pretty spectacular too! 

Even the peacock was showing off! 

And last, but not least...what would a blogpost of mine be without a sweet picture of my grandbabies from that same weekend?   They were dressed in matching outfits Heather had given them and they were about as adorable as adorable gets, if I do say so myself.  

Hope you all had a happy Independence Day too!   

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