Monday, July 22, 2024

A Little Side-Trip

As soon as the trip to Nashville had been booked, I knew that I needed to find a way to see my sweet grandbabies while I was so close.  Close meaning only 3-1/2 hours away!   It was a lot of driving for only about 20 hours to spend there (including sleeping time), but it was worth every second and somehow I was able to talk my Mom and sister, Kristina, to join me as well!  

I may have been a little giddy while I was there...

I read as many books as I could, had many hilarious toddler conversations, snuggled Baby Oliver, and just enjoyed some bonus Gigi time...
And I didn't mind sharing them too much...especially since they seemed to be enjoying it almost as much as I was. 
Now only 34 more days until I see them again!  


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