I know this is all out of order, but I didn't want to miss blogging about this memory making experience that happened in the couple weeks leading up to Christmas. There's a bit of a story behind this, so let me start with a little background.
Basically, Ellie and Spencer had started joking around with each other about how each of them would do in an eating contest. Ellie was adamant that she could keep up with Spence, who is definitely the least food oriented of our kids. It all started off as sibling banter without any action, but before I knew it, research was being done and an eating challenge had been born.
Emma, Glen (recovering from his appendectomy), and I knew we didn't stand a chance, so we just agreed to go along for entertainment purposes.
We arrived at Sensuous Sandwich in Orem one December afternoon...

Basically, the challenge was to eat a 2-foot long sub sandwich in less than 1/2 hour. Winners would receive a t-shirt that entitled them to free drinks for life. This was the set-up...Spence, Adam, and Ellie with their 2-footers ready to embark on the challenge and Emma and Glen just ready to eat a casual lunch with their 6-inchers. I, with my gluten allergy, could eat nothing there, so I was the photographer for the day.
They all started strong, but it was clear from the very beginning, that the only one who stood a chance of doing this without serious pain was Adam.
Ellie got in just over 12-inches before giving up...
After about 17 minutes, Adam finished all 2-feet of his sandwich before Emma even finished her 6-incher. She's a notoriously slow eater, so we got a kick out of that.
And Spence barely got his last bite in before the buzzer and forbade me from showing any pictures of him from those last few minutes. I'll just say that it was a total slog for him and he was not enjoying himself towards the end! Ellie was happy to concede the challenge and enjoy the fact that both boys got their free drink t-shirts.
We only laughed a little (okay, a lot) when we saw what it said on the backs of the t-shirts! Hahaha
With that, I think the food challenge eating careers of all our children was begun and ended on the same day.
1 comment:
That’s a fun contest! I’ve never heard of Sensuous Sandwich, did they like the sandwiches?
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