Friday, April 28, 2023

A Twist and An Update

Alright, I know I posted a little life update earlier this week, but we've had a big twist and this week didn't quite turn out the way we expected... 

Here's update #2 (written by an officially old lady)! 

 1. In a last minute twist (at 10pm on Monday night), Ellie got asked to prom here in Utah and she opted not to go to Mormon Prom in Virginia.    Ever since she found out that the Virginia prom was the same weekend as her school prom here in Utah, she told  me that she'd prefer to go to the local prom if given the chance.   We held off making any plans in Virginia (other than buying the tickets) until last week and then went full-steam ahead when she hadn't been asked yet.   Haha!  I should have known!   Thankfully our airline tickets were on Southwest, so we were able to change without penalty and now were are scheduled for a visit after graduation next month. 

2.  Getting asked to prom here meant that we had to return the dress it took 126 hours to pick out and trade it in for something with sleeves.  That was another 3-1/2 hours at the dress store!   I was excited about the addition of sleeves to her dress and the money we saved, since most of the prom dresses had gone on clearance since purchasing the other one, but I was not excited about spending yet another afternoon shopping.   It's done now though and I hope to never do it again! 

The final choice:  

3. I had that "Perfect Date" cookie party on my birthday and it was a smashing success!  We estimate that over 50 people came and it seemed like everyone had a great time.  We had samples of 5 different gluten free cookies (2 homemade, 3 bakery bought).  A few people knew it was my birthday, which meant that most people knew by the end of the night, but I really enjoyed celebrating without  it  being an official "birthday party"!

  4.  Glen is having a hay-day in Alabama doting on Lucie.   He is enjoying every second of taking Lucie to the library, to the zoo, out on walks, etc.   It's very cute to see the photos and Facetimes of them interacting together.   Lucie learned how to say, "Papa,"  right as he got there, a fact which made him an extra proud "papa"!    I only wish I were there with them! 

5. Other than the skiff of snow on the morning of my birthday, winter seems to be gone....hopefully for good!  I am basking in the warmer weather and the brief window of time when we don't seem to need the heat during the daytime at least.   I very definitely have S.A.D. and this winter was not good for my mental health.   I hadn't experienced a winter like that since my teen years in Minnesota and I am shocked and amazed at how instantly my state of mind improved with the onset of of warmer and longer days.  I'm going to have to get some light therapy lamps or something for next year.  I don't think I can do another winter feeling like that again. 

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