Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Good Friend and a Birthday

I'm going to start off this post about Glen's birthday with a little side story about our friend, Connor.    He may only be 13, but, I tell you, everyone needs a friend like Connor in their life!   He was one of our Sunday School kids, then became our Trek son {at his request}, and now is one of my greatest artists for creating artwork for the cover of the program. 

He and Glen connected over fishing and hockey while he was in our Sunday School class and they still chat about such things whenever they get the chance.   So we weren't too surprised when Connor rushed to greet Glen at church a couple Sundays ago, but we were a little more surprised that he knew it was Glen's birthday.  What better way to start your birthday in public than with a warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY from a good friend?!  

Then, after church, he brought Glen a cake that HE'D MADE HIMSELF!!!!   Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?!   After blowing out the candles and having a piece, they chatted about the best roller coasters and ended up watching roller coaster videos.   It literally made Glen's day. 

Though I think Glen would have been totally happy with his birthday at that point, we did make him a nice crepe dinner (a family tradition).    Emma and Ellie did the crepe, bacon, and egg cooking...

And I made him a carrot cake.  Yes, he got to have two cakes in one day...isn't that what birthdays are for? 

We finished up with him opening up the present he really wanted... a rock tumbler. He was so excited about it that he spent the next hour getting his first batch of rocks up and running, even though that meant arriving to SG around midnight.   

It was a low-key birthday--just the way we like them at our house.  

Happy {belated} Birthday to Glen! We love you! 

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