Monday, July 10, 2023

Pre-Independence Week

This little life update is taken straight from a letter we wrote to our missionary.  It's a nice way to accomplish two things at once!  

July 3, 2023

Hola to our favorite missionary! 
How's life in the Farming-hood?   Tell us all about your new companion, your new mission president, and whatever else is new!  What is your schedule like today given the fact that your p-day is also a national holiday.  I imagine that you'll be in your apartment for the night long before the fireworks begin??  

Oh yeah, speaking of the national holiday upon us....

Our Independence Day will consist of wearing goofy red, white, and blue outfits,  a Ward Breakfast in the church parking lot, then a hike to Primrose Point.  After that I'm making the very iconic "Sausage Salad" for dinner {which I've never made before}.  It will be totally delicious, but whatever you do don't ask Ellie about it, because she has decided it's terrible already.  😏 

We'll probably, maybe try to see some fireworks too.  We shall see. 

Speaking of Ellie, she's dog-sitting this week and taking care of Denali on steroids pretty much.     His name is Sarge and he's as sweet-natured as they come, but he clearly likes food and doesn't exercise much.  Denali and him get along just fine.  We are not introducing him to Kiwi. 


 I think Ellie likes this job. 


Ellie has also been painting a ton lately.  She has stations like this set up all over the upstairs currently. 

Emma met us for a session at the temple on Friday....I look forward to when you can join us too.  :)

On Saturday Emma did the Muddy Dash {the name says it all}, then went camping.  Apparently she took no pictures camping, because my camera roll doesn't have any sadly.   Here's one of her covered in mud though. 

We started our  red, white, and blue clothing adventure on Sunday and looked pretty snazzy if I do say so myself!

Sunday afternoon we went for a drive on the Energy Loop (I think that's what it's called).  I think Ellie kind of liked it when Denali started chilling on her head.

We saw lots of beautiful vistas and wildflowers, but honestly I had a hard time sitting still for the drive.  I was happy to see the beauty, but was also happy when the drive was over!
I mentioned in my email last week (I think) that Dad got a rock polisher for his birthday.  It takes 5 rounds (that each last about a week) before they're done, but he was very excited about how they looked after Round #1.  I find it very cute how excited he is about it. 

I am taking advantage of the non-wintry weather {acknowledging that it's a short season here in Utah} and getting out to hike as much as possible.  I'm shooting for 4-6 miles per day {except Sundays} and mostly getting it.  I'll have to replace my shoes shortly, because I'm wearing them out fast!  

I've also been cooking up a storm.  I found a bunch of new recipes and have really enjoyed making and trying them out.  Ellie may be getting a little tired of them though {especially since I picked a bunch of peppery recipes}, but I'm having fun and I think everyone else is enjoying them!   This was a Greek filling I made to go in wraps.  They were quite delicious!

I don't have any pics of Spence {surprise, surprise!}, but Spence seems to be enjoying his new job and is still very into going to the gym every day.  He keeps asking about nutritionally dense food choices, started  listening to podcasts, and seems genuinely interested in improving his health.   You will not be surprised to hear that I approve of these developments.  

This probably is more of a surprise, but I sadly have zero pics of Lucie to share with you.   Cami worked a bunch of overtime this week.    She was also working extra while I was in Alabama and when Lucie was here, so I sense that she is quite exhausted now.  I'm hopeful she's now on a path to work more normal hours for the foreseeable future. 

So there you have it....our very non-exciting lives, which, if I'm being totally honest, is probably more the way we want things to be.  Exciting is definitely overrated most of the time...

ON a completely different note, here's a quote I came across when studying CFM recently: 

"The comforting Spirit of the Holy Ghost can abide with us twenty-four hours a day: when we work, when we play, when we rest. Its strengthening influence can be with us year in and year out. That sustaining influence can be with us in joy and sorrow, when we rejoice as well as when we grieve.

I believe the Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world. It can be more mind-expanding and can make us have a better sense of well-being than any chemical or other earthly substance. It will calm nerves; it will breathe peace to our souls. This Comforter can be with us as we seek to improve. It can function as a source of revelation to warn us of impending danger and also help keep us from making mistakes. It can enhance our natural senses so that we can see more clearly, hear more keenly, and remember what we should remember. It is a way of maximizing our happiness." 
James E Faust, "The Gift of the Holy Ghost--A Sure Compass," April 1989

I like that and needed the reminder about how essential the Holy Ghost is to our internal peace.  

I hope you've had a marvelous first few days with your companion and with your mission president.  I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow. 

We love you!!!!

Mom 💗💗💗

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