Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Little Birdie Returns

Now that we know we are not moving to Saint George, we have embarked on several projects that will make staying in this home better for our needs!    One of the big motivating factors was that we needed to get the office setup for Glen to start working from home.   We are still in the throes of most of it right now, but here's a glimpse of it as a work in progress.  

 On a completely different note, I didn't want to miss documenting that a couple weeks ago, Ellie hitched a ride with a roommate and came home for the weekend.   It was fun to have her around and it made me extra miss my days (28 years of it) of having kids at home with me.  

We did a little photo shoot while she here, so she could pick one for her mission papers.  

I had to laugh pretty hard when I found this random assortment of screenshots show up in our camera roll.  Apparently the girls were having a fun late-night facetime and took some goofy shots!  

On Saturday, we had the missionaries over for dinner.  I made them jalapeno chicken, Brazi bites, fruit salad, and PB bars for dessert.  It was great to have them here, but it made me miss Adam a little extra!   WE ARE DOWN TO DOUBLE DIGIT DAYS UNTIL HE COMES HOME NOW!!!!

Stay tuned for some house updates (and perhaps a little trip post) coming soon...

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