Friday, June 28, 2024


Some cuteness in my life currently...

Oliver is a very happy baby and he is getting quite vocal.   Of course he can't say anything understandable yet, but he jabbers like he has a lot to say!   He is also rolling over independently and starting to sit up.   I love how interactive he is on Facetime and I think it won't be long before he's chatting it up like his big sister!  

And Lucie continues to be a joy in my life from afar.   I love, love, love my conversations with her and eagerly look forward to every photo Cami sends me of either her or Oliver!    Here she is posing with a postcard I sent for a self-imposed postcard challenge I created for myself. 

Glen  turned on the Westminster Dog Show the other day and we thought it was hilarious that Denali seemed to be very interested too.  She watched the screen intently while it was on.  

Okay, maybe we aren't cute, but...  

McKenzie is and it was so fun to be a small part of getting McKenzie settled into her dorm room at BYU.   They were easy houseguests to have and I love that she'll be so much closer now that she's at BYU for the school year!  

Last but not least, I made cookies for a funeral this week and shared the leftovers with some other people.  I thought it was quite cute how Denali kept peeking her head up at the kitchen table to see if she could reach some of that yumminess.  

We may have given her a bit!  :)

So is anything cute happening in your life right now?   Tell me all about it in the comments.  I expect zillions.  

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