Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The B Date with My Boy

In this blogpost, I mentioned how Glen and I were starting an alphabet dating challenge.  Starting with the letter 'A' we are making our way through the alphabet, one letter - one month at a time, alternating who plans it.  Why?  Because we've been married 31 years and we were looking to mix things up and add a little direction and fun to our dating life.   

Glen planned January, so it was my turn to plan 'B' for February.   I knew pretty quickly what the anchor of our 'B' date would be (I'll get to that in a minute), so the rest of the activities were planned around that anchor's location and timing. 

We started our date at the BYU Bean Museum, where Emma met us for a few minutes to let me borrow something for our upcoming trip.  

We walked around and took special note and pictures of some of the B exhibits in the Bean Museum!   I was happy to have found a Beaver there and Glen took special delight in the Baboons, because he'd joked on the way to our date (of which I'd told him nothing about) that maybe we were going to see the Baboons!  

Emma was only there with us for about 10-15 minutes, but we had to take her to the exhibit that scarred her as a small child.    I'm not sure she liked it much more as a college student as she had as an elementary aged child.  
After the Museum, we headed to the Bombay House for some delicious Indian food! 
Then we headed to try out the dedicated gluten free doughnut shop...Bismarck!  They made everything hot and fresh and we quite enjoyed it!

After indulging in the doughnuts, we headed to the anchor part of our date....to see  Bella perform in the BYU Ballet!  


Bella (a friend of ours from Virginia) is a Brilliant Ballerina and we always enjoy watching her perform.  She is amazingly graceful and makes it all look so effortless.  

All in all, it was a Beautiful night and a fun way to try out all the B things! 

Have a Bodaciously Breathtaking Week! 

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