There's a certain member of our family that happens to love the number 74.
I'm not really sure how it all got started, since, to my knowledge, the number has no significant meaning to anyone. It's not anyone's birth year; it's not in anyone's phone number; it's not a channel they watch; and it's not a favorite scripture verse. It's just 74 and that's enough.
Part of the appeal of this number is the way it sounds when spoken aloud. It's four syllables that just flow. And "Seventy-four" cannot be spoken in a normal tone of voice, but must be spoken with a hint of an accent (don't ask me which one though) and with a nasally tone. Actually that's not entirely true. Most of us just say seventy-four plainly, but just enjoy hearing Person X pronounce it with drama and flair. As such, it is now a family mission to find 74 "in the wild" just so we can point it out and hear our family member say it in their dramatic fashion! Over the last few years it's become a quest and a joke in our family.
So....the other Saturday, Glen and I went for a walk along the Murdoch Trail. It was cold, but lovely until the very end when it started snowing/raining on us.
When we got towards the end of our walk we realized that we were approaching the 7 mile mark, so we decided to go a little longer to get to know just so we could join the family fun! It's not quite 74, but we didn't feel like walking for 3 days, so close enough!
Then we took a selfie to send out on the family group chat...
Except that we are old people who forgot that taking selfies with a flipped camera means the image is flipped too, so this is what our original photo looked like before we flipped it manually. Oops...47 is not what we meant. Haha!
Seventy four.
Have a great week!
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