Wednesday, July 14, 2010

High Quality Junk

Guess which East Coast iconic restaurant we introduced the cousins to tonight?

It wasn't too bad (for a burger) and officially declared better than In-N-Out by the Utah cousins.

Now if I could just get those five guys to roll me to my bed....
We'll miss you Alex, Catherine, and Devin!



K said...

that looks like a really healthy burger. (o:
BTW, I've never thought in n out was that amazing.

Aitch said...

Yummy. I love their fries. I was excited when I found out last year that there is a Five Guys in Edina.

Dad-Mom said...

That burger certainnly does look good. Like K we're not that impressed with In n Out.

Karey said...

You'll have to let them know that there are several Five Guys locations in Utah now! We love that place!

Deanne said...

Five Guys is the best! Love their burgers...mmm, now I want one. =)

Deon said...

Deeelish! Hampstead even has one!!

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