Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Next Best Thing to Being There in Person!

Spence may not have been able to go to the Verizon Center to watch Jimmer and the Kings take on the Wiz tonight, but this autographed Jimmer photograph and Kings' jersey he got in the mail this week  came in as a worthy consolation!
  He was so excited for me to take a picture of him that he almost threw up from joy!
And Glen was so excited about it all that he drove straight to my favorite store (Michaels) and had it displayed in this beautiful frame within 12 hours of receiving it! 

  Thank you to Jimmer, the Kings, and whomever arranged for Spence to receive this package.  Despite his pained expression, it really did make his day! 



  • Spencer was feeling nauseous last night, which is the first time during this process when it seems unrelated to anesthesia or exercise.     Thankfully, Zofran and Tums seem to be taking the edge off so far.  
  • When I told my Dad that Spencer was feeling nauseous, he gave me a surprisingly heartless sounding response, "What's new with that?"  I was a little taken aback until I realized that apparently he'd misheard me and thought I said he was being obnoxious, rather than nauseous.   After I stopped laughing I had to agree with him that obnoxiousness is a common enough occurrence that it would hardly be worth mentioning.  :)
  • Spencer has been able to get outside the last few days and shoot some lacrosse balls around the hospital courtyard.   The weather this winter goes down in history as officially the wimpiest winter in my entire life.   70 degrees in February?!  Next thing you know we'll be seeing  flowers starting to blossom...
this photo of real deal flowers blossoming in February is from my friend Karen's facebook page
  • I've been informed by anonymous sources that Spencer's tutor is a Santa Claus look-alike who spouts  socialist ideals.    In other words, Spencer loves his 7+ hours of tutoring every week!  (insert sarcastic tone)


"Botanists say that trees need the powerful March winds to flex their trunks and main branches, so the sap is drawn up to nourish the budding leaves. Perhaps we need the gales of life in the same way, though we dislike enduring them."

        - Jane Truax


Chelsey said...

Ah so much to say...any prayer given Spencer is remembered. I love that he smiled for a picture. It is common to get nauseous just thinking about getting chemo. Jimmer is so awesome. My son's scout leader was trying to get my 12 year old excited about being an eagle telling him that the President signs your eagle certificate. Without missing a beat, my son asks, "what about Jimmer?" 7 hours of tutoring? That is intense one on one! Good job Spencer...that would be difficult for anyone even if the teacher was super!

K said...

The look on Spence's face is priceless. It's clear he did not want a picture! HA!

So cool that he got a package from Jimmer! I wonder if you'll ever find out who asked him to send it.

I am sorry about the nausea! That's miserable!

clarsen said...

That is so awesome that he got that stuff from Jimmer. I'm glad he got a little something to brighten his day! I hope Spencer gets over his nausea soon. It is no fun to fill like you are going to throw up all the time.

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