Friday, May 6, 2016

Wildflowers on a Gloomy Day

May 4:  We took a short break from being productive today to go on a little walk while Emma was at voice lessons.  It's been gray and gloomy lately, but  the beautiful wildflowers along the way brought us a jolt of color and beauty to our day.
 I am grateful for the springtime, for Cami being home, and for the joy that is all around when we pause to notice it.

by Lara, age 17

The sky is azure blue, the grass is green.
The hyacinths are peeking through the ground
The hibernating animals are lean.
The sounds of songbirds echo all around.
The golden sunshine bathes and warms the earth;
A gentle shower washes dirt away.
The rain gives nature and the world rebirth,
And a radiant rainbow arcs its way
Over the mountain and into the trees,
Reminding the world of a promise made;
Never again would that gentle spring breeze
Be drowned in a flood, for a price now paid.
Spring will always come in life giving cheer;
Just remember who made all we have here.


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