Monday, November 8, 2021

Showering Cami!

I can't remember if I've announced this here yet or not, but I am very excited to become a grandma for the first time in a few weeks!   My daughter, Cami, is due to have a baby girl soon and thus far the pregnancy is going well.  It's been hard to be so far away from her during this time, but Halloween weekend Ellie and I flew to Texas so we could attend her baby shower. 

 It was the first time I'd been able to see her noticeably pregnant belly in person and it was crazy to think that it really didn't seem all that long ago when I was big and pregnant with her.    These photos-- were taken just eleven days apart 24-years ago.  

It was great to see Amy (Cami's mother-in-law ) who will also be a first-time grandma when their baby is born, though her second will be coming along MUCH MUCH sooner than our second.  haha. 
I was also so grateful that my sister, Kristina, and her daughter, Madeline, flew in for the festivities as well!  She's the only Crain sister who's not living here in Utah currently, so it was a treat to be able to spend time with them both!  

It was also fun to meet so many people who love Cami.  Living far away from your kids is hard, but it's a little easier knowing that there are wonderful people loving and supporting her while I'm far away.  

Other highlights of the weekend included a 6-1/2 mile walk along Lady Bird Lake...

A walking tour of the UT campus and the state capitol...

Some really good food--including some delicious gluten free options too (Here are some of the places we tried:  Torchy's, Lola's, Via313, Jeni's, Moonshine Grill, Bird Bird Biscuit)

Some beautifully warm weather (especially compared to Utah...

Ellie trying unsuccessfully to make friends with a weird goose/duck we saw...

And another walk along the river...

Reality hit hard with lots of catch-up work when we returned, but it was absolutely a treat to be able to spend some time with Cami and shower her and Baby Girl with lots of love for a few days.  

Next time we see her....we look forward to having a little baby to snuggle too!  

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