Friday, December 3, 2021

Flashback Friday: OUR BABIES!!!

In honor of the last Friday before we have another new baby in the family, I thought I'd do a Flashback Friday all about my babies!  
TOP ROW:  Cami, Emma
BOTTOM ROW:  Ellie, Adam, Spencer

Here's a few little memories about each one of them:  

SPENCER: was born after 36 hours of labor.  He was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and we were released from the hospital when he was just 12-hours old.   The doctor called him "Banana George" because his head was quite misshapen after birth.  We had no routine when he was young, so he just slept whenever he felt like it, often in very funny situations.   He had a giggle like no other and we would go to great lengths to garner them from him!  

CAMI: was induced when I was 7 days late.   She was 8lbs. 15 oz. and the biggest of all my babies.  She started getting teeth at 4-months old!   The nurse at the hospital called her one of the prettiest newborn babies she'd ever seen and she hoped that her future babies would be that cherubic looking!  She was overall a pretty content baby, but she did have a temper that would make her scream so loud she'd pass out.  The doctor said she was the youngest child (about 9-months-old) he'd ever seen exhibit that behavior and told us she was too young to be manipulative, and that she just had a strong temper.  

EMMA:  was born right on her due date (Halloween).  She was the smallest of the Goold babies at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was also the baldest of our babies and surprised us all when her hair came in red!  She was by far the squirmiest (non-cuddliest) one of our babies!  With her high energy, loud voice, cheerful personality, and need for attention, she got called a "little firecracker" a lot in her first few years of life!  

ADAM: was my most traumatic birth by a mile.  He was 8 days late and was scheduled to be induced the same day I went into labor naturally.   He was 8lbs. 13 oz.  and had an APGAR score of 2.  From early on, he had a smile that could light up a room and it was that smile brought us through the hours and hours of crying he did in those first couple years.    I was glad he was my 4th child, because I'm not sure how many more kids I would have had if he had come first.  As it was, we held him almost non-stop for those first two years.   

ELLIE: was induced 5 days before her due date (at my insistence after Adam's traumatic birth) and her labor took 12+ hours!  The doctor called me an unripe banana.  She was the only one of my babies that had trouble gaining weight.  The doctors did all sorts of tests that all came back normal, but I already knew that would be the case, because she was such a happy baby (and certainly didn't act like she was starving).   She ate like a baby bird, opening her mouth wide and tilting her head back for each bite!

Stay tuned for exciting baby news coming your way soon! 


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