Friday, February 1, 2008

Crossing off our list!

Including the time we lived in Baltimore, we have lived in this area for 10 1/2 years now. (Wow--a decade seems like such long time)!

This area is just so rich with history and amazing places to visit, that you could spend every day for years visiting and never get bored! But we live here, and life goes on. So we find that with all these amazing things to do that we tend to do the same ones over and over again.

...the National Zoo, National Air and Space Museum, Baltimore Aquarium, Gettysburg, Maryland Science Center, Mount Vernon, American History museum (when it's open)....

And the Natural History Museum (Ellie loves holding these giant grasshoppers in the Insect Zoo of the Museum)...

We finally decided that after all these years that it was time to branch out and go visit some places that we've never been before.

Like Harper's Ferry.

The National Cathedral.

The National Museum of the American Indian

The US Botanic Gardens

And most interesting of all...the Mathematical Association of America. hehehe! Seriously, what do they DO here?

Still on our list: National Building Museum, Bull Run, Postal Museum and revisiting National Archives and Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Any other ideas for us?

1 comment:

Denise said...

You've probably done this, but the Awakening Statute at Hanes Point is an all time favorite. It is moving soon (if not already) so it would be a good one.

We love watching the planes take off at Reagan Airport. You can lie in the park on the grass right under the flight path. The kids love that!

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