Glen may try to tell you that he's only a year and ten months older than me, but since when do they start offering memberships to the AARP to 36-year-olds?
And in keeping with acting his age...
"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
54 Month Clinic - 4 1/2 Years in Remission
9 years ago
I have to say, I have been getting AARP stuff for the last 10 years, much to Troy's amusement!
You should get some pretty sweet discounts when you travel thanks to Glen joining the old man club. Way to go Glen!
I sure hope someone comes to help you up!
I get those all the time too. I initially thought that the AARP had some kind of technology (like a satellite) that could sense grey hairs, and once you get enough of them they assume you are old enough to join. Sounds logical -- right?
Actually I think that they offer it based on your real age maturity.
Guess that's why they still haven't offered me one yet!!
Still waiting to grow up...
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