Thursday, November 5, 2009

Flashback Friday: Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory (of 1988): The greater the height and angle of curve to the bangs, the greater the perceived coolness factor among peers.

Side wings were said to up the coolness factor ten-fold...
but in my case, by the time I figured out how to unstick my hand from my hairspray coated brush without removing skin people were using straighteners.



K said...


Steve-Rosanna said...

You were always the cutest girl! That's why it was difficult to understand your friendship with Penelope since she was so "plain".

She was so needy and clung to you, but you were always just a good friend. Afraid that if you had not been so patient and kind in teaching her how to take care of herself-she would probably never have gotten married.

And no matter how much hair spray you may have used back then, it still was not half as much as Nate used to spray on every morning. Good thing no one smoked at our house.

Denise said...

omgosh. so funny. i never could master the big bang. darn asian hair of mine.

Aitch said...

I remember trying to recreate your "big bang" look once in 6th grade and quickly deciding it wasn't worth the effort. Sure wish I had a picture of it though :o)

Lolli said...

Ever wonder how that style got started? Your pictures look shockingly familiar. LOL!

Charlene said...

never could do the "big bang" either, because the curls in my hair had a mind of its own. It was war every morning for me!

Mirien said...

That's a hard style to explain to my kids. I remember mornings in the bathroom. The whole family shared one bathroom, and there were often 2 or 3 of us girls at once curling and spraying while my dad stood behind us shaving and gagging. He was such a good sport!

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