Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Silver Linings

In an attempt to see the bright side of things lately, I've put together the following list:

1.  Cold sores make my upper lip match the fullness of my lower lip.  Who needs botox? 
2.  I just opened a new box of tampons and found a bonus box inside.  Yippee!  
3.  Our new(ish) car officially feels like part of the family now that Cami spilled powdered sugar all over it.
4.  Young children staying up past 10:00pm doing their homework every night means that I have someone to keep me company until Glen gets home at night. 
5.  With today's batch of Gingersnap Whoopie Pies, I've successfully put myself and Spencer over the sugary edge and into craving spinach.  
6.  The over-sized pile of unfolded laundry is all-the-softer for flopping into. 
7.  Falling asleep at my daughter's choir concert, complete with head bobbing and drool, means that no one thinks I'm  underworked and overpaid anymore. 

Unlike her mother, at least she looked cute at her concert.


annalisa said...

Did the whoopie pies turn out well?! they sound yummy!

Emma looks cute in that picture!

I hope things go better soon!

K said...

Are you saying I should go flop over in my giant pile of clean laundry laying on my floor. Sounds like fun.

And yes Emma does look very cute. Love the socks!

shannon said...

I love this! Thanks for keeping' it real!

Steve-Rosanna said...

Emma is "cuteness" personified! Love the outfit and the Christmasy socks.

Lara, we sometimes don't know whether to laugh with you or cry. Your writing style often reminds me of the late Erma Bombeck (who you have probably never heard of).

Thanks for sharing your life with us. We love your blogs and pix.

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