Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Blogging

Most of you have only come to know this blog in the last several months since Spencer was diagnosed and successfully beat leukemia.  But did you know that I've been blogging on a very regular basis (at least a few posts each week) for over five years now?  Blogging had become such a part of my life, that when Spencer got sick that it just seemed natural that I would make the blog my way to keep people up-to-date with his journey.  It did its job keeping people informed and kept me sane in the process, but now that Spencer is better and life is as normal as life ever is in our house, I sometimes question why I continue to take the time to blog about the mundane moments of our lives when I could be doing other more productive things....like sleeping. 

Well in true Lara form, I've decided to gather all my reasons here into a blog post, mostly as a way to remind myself why blogging continues to be an important part of who I am and how I express myself. 


10-  It keeps our faraway family up-to-date on our day-to-day happenings.

9-  Although I've got a whole lot to learn still, I love capturing moments in our lives using photography.

8- It's free and doesn't make a mess. 

7- It gives me a built in place to brag about our family.

6-  I express myself a whole lot better in writing than I do verbally. 

5-  Although it tends to come off as a little quirky or goofy, I love thinking of new and creative ways to present what is admittedly mostly boring/every day  material about our family. 

4-   I love how it preserves the stories and the photos from our lives, however mundane they may be,  into an accessible place for the kids to look back on.   

3- It helps me feel connected to family and friends who read the blog. 

2-It gave me an easy way to keep people informed about Spencer and his battle against leukemia and it helped keep me sane in the process. 

And last but not least....

1- I am adamantly opposed to insomnia and will not stop blogging until I have successfully cured each and every one of my friends and family who suffer from it.       


And although this is supposed to be putting you to sleep right now, I hardly know how to blog without throwing in a few pictures....so here is a little glimpse of our vacation. 

First I'll show off how healthy/tan/filled-out/hairy Spencer is looking these days. 

He still doesn't like posing for pictures, but he didn't complain when I snapped some shots of him burying his friend Ryan up to his neck in sand. 

Here's a shot of my Hunny of almost 19-years,  who prides himself on being an awesome boogier!  

Ellie joined in the digging fun and Adam continued to search for seashells and sea creatures...

Ellie really, really, really wanted to be buried too....

but with storm clouds like this approaching, we decided it wasn't such a great idea....

Every day we were in the Outer Banks had passing rainstorms that came and went through the day...

Luckily our friends' beach house rental wasn't too far away, so an afternoon of Disney DVD's and popsicles seem to make up at least a little bit for getting rained out of the beach...
Don't worry....more insomnia cures vacation blogposts coming soon....


Steve-Rosanna said...

Although we love each of your ten reasons for blogging, we are especially fond of numbers 3, 4, and 10 along with all the amazing pics.

Thanks so much for sharing your life with us.

We love you guys!

Katie said...

#11 - The rest of us enjoy it so much! Entertaining, humorous, uplifting, inspiring, educational...

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