Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25th---the perfect date!

It's Thursday...

And I've spent the last two days taking this little chickie all over town to the pediatrician, x-ray lab, and orthopedist.  Turns out she has a broken ankle and she doesn't even know how it happened.  She randomly just started limping and falling all the time.  She has a little chip on the inside bottom of her left ankle bone (right on the growth plate).

Then today I woke up to a laundry pile up to the sky... (two days out of the house and a washing machine on the fritz will do that to me)
A kid home sick from school...
Glen off to an early work meeting...
A bowl of cream of wheat made by one of the kids for my breakfast (oops, no picture)...

And a to-do list a mile long...
Despite all the "normal" things going on though...
There's no two ways about it...April 25th is still the perfect date!

Happy April 25th to all of you and may your forecast look as perfect as mine today!


Valerie H. said...

Does the fact that I have 22 more birthdays then you and am still alive and enjoying life help. You sweet young thing.

annalisa said...

Happy April 25th! What a beautiful day it is today :)

Chelsey said...

Ha ha this is so funny! I would call you and sing to you intune! Oxoxox. Truly I love everything about you!

Anonymous said...

She has cute little toes sticking out of her cast

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