Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mongolian Yurts and Playing with Dry Ice

What do playing with dry ice and building Mongolian yurts have in common?

They are both fun and educational activities we've done recently in our homeschool science and social studies co-op!

As part of their studies of Asia this month, they've learned all about what life is like in that part of the world, including getting a small glimpse at the homes of  modern-day Mongolian nomads.

They've also made their own lunar modules....

fed horses....

and made their own Great Wall of China out of foam bricks (Adam)....

and an edible one out of cake (Ellie).

I don't know what we'd do without this amazing group of other homeschooling families...

who not only help provide fun and memorable experiences for my kids...

and give them the opportunity to be taught by the other creative mothers...

who are passionate about what they teach,   

but I also love that it gives me the opportunity to relive my preschool teaching days (11-years in a row) and teach geography to the littlest cuties of the group.

Participating in this co-op group has brought a new depth and joy to our homeschool experience....
and I couldn't be more grateful to  be a part it all!

1 comment:

The McArthur Family said...

Wow! That is some serious productivity (and fun) going on there!

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