Monday, February 17, 2014

New Beginnings

Last night was a special night for the young women at our church.  It is called "New Beginnings" and is a sort of kick-off activity for the whole year.  We introduce the yearly theme (Come Unto Christ), meet all the girls who will turning 12 and joining YW through the year, and hear how the individual young women live the YW values each day.   Each of these lovely girls (27 in all, plus another 4 coming during the year) played a part during the program in some way and I left there in awe at the  strength and beauty that emanates from each one of them.

When we realized that we had scheduled New Beginnings right in the middle of the Olympics, we decided that it was too perfect not use that as a theme for our decorations and food.  Besides the fun factor of the Olympic decor though, there were a myriad of spiritual corollaries to the Olympic athletes that made beautiful tie-ins to living the gospel as well.  One of the highlights was hearing about how Sochi silver medalist, Noelle Pikus-Pace, wore her YW medallion during all of her races and did shout-outs to the youth during interviews.

I'm blessed to work with these two lovely women, Julianne and Kelly,  who are my counselors and served as the Olympic commentators for the evening.  They are fun, fabulous, and a joy to work with (as are the other advisers and leaders as well).  

I love each one of the twenty-seven young women in our ward (church congregation) and am so proud of the way they choose to live their lives each and every day.  They are an inspiration to me and I am truly grateful for the time I get to spend with them each week.  


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