My baby has graduated from high school and seminary!
Here's what I wrote about this milestone on Facebook (the first time I've posted since Christmastime):
We called Ellie our "bonus baby" when she arrived at the end of our five kids. She was our easiest going baby by a mile and she really did feel like a sweet gift to round out our family perfectly. She's had a bit of a rocky road in her life including a seizure disorder that started right at the beginning of her kindergarten year. Despite visiting several doctors over the years and trying countless medications (and natural approaches), she never has had perfect seizure control (even now), she has faced fear and ignorance from her peers, can’t get a driver’s license, and ended up in a school situation that became untenable when she did not qualify for an IEP and the 504 plan the school came up with was completely worthless. So her education has included 3 years of public school, 8 years of homeschool, and 2 years at a private 3 moves in the last 4 years. Yet she’s still a rockstar! She has found wonderfully supportive friends, has an optimistic attitude, is thoughtful and empathetic, and has grand plans for the future. We are so proud of all she’s overcome to get here and we are excited for her to start at BYU-Idaho this fall. Happy Graduation (from high school and seminary), Ellie! We love you!

Here's a little glimpse of some of her graduation events:
First, there was a senior dinner at her school. We enjoyed a delicious meal together...
Next on the graduation docket was seminary graduation!
This age got a rough road with seminary because COVID made things difficult right when they were just starting out as freshman. As such, it definitely took an extra bit of tenacity to be able to finish all 4 years and we are proud of her for this accomplishment. This picture is with a couple of the seminary graduates from our ward. There were a couple more that we couldn't track down for the picture.
Her future is bright and we are grateful for the light she brings to our family and to the world!